Monday, December 22, 2003

What do the troops think about the war in Iraq? Here are some voices from the frontlines, who speak out at risk to their careers and freedom. So, we caught Saddam, what are we losing and who is getting hurt by our imperialistic actions now? t r u t h o u t - Michael Moore | Letters the Troops Have Sent Me

Friday, December 19, 2003

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Earth to democrats--it is Bush we need to beat....Dean critics lash out behind spots

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

OJR article: Online News Scores Coup on Hussein's Capture as%uFFFDPapers%uFFFDAre Caught Napping
Year end review of picture phones from lists ways people are suing the phones in innovative ways. How people are using camera phones Madan Rao checks in with opportunities and tensions in the news industry, also related to the disruption that picture phones and other tech is causing. News Industry tensions

Monday, December 15, 2003

Does the current administration know much about our system of government, much less the relationship of the press and state? What is happening in Iraq suggests a hypocrisy between our ideals and actions. Free press is not allowed in Iraq by the military.TelevisionWeek -- Television and Media News

Sunday, December 14, 2003

What are newspapers doing for their readers lately? Less of the coverage that we need to govern ourselves....

Friday, December 12, 2003

The election cycle, especially the presidential elections drive new technology adoptions and use in the media. Already reporters who are following the campaign are being referred to as "embedded reporters" and folks are talking about how election coverage will fall out for the upcoming 2004 elections.OJR article: Best Coverage of the U.S. Elections
Poynter Online - E-Media Tidbits

Friday, December 05, 2003

Poynter Online - Case Study: Orlando Station Investigates Wal-Mart Incident This is interesting. A reporter working the usually slack time after Thanksgiving took an anonymous e-mail and followed up. The result was that the news about a woman "injured" in a stampede to buy things on Buy Nothing Day (the day after Thanksgiving)who turned out to have a documented past of filing injury claims at work or business. Al Thompkins interviews the astute reporter, Jeff Fuller, and urges reporters and newsrooms to listen up.
CJR - Vernacular Video This is a bit more personal, but similar to the Documiniteries project in the Journalism department.
High school papers are taking up "convergence" so what does it mean for our curriculum? Daily Press: Student newspapers turn to the Web

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Readership Institute
Well, as I have held for several years, online content and the ease with which it is accessed changes people's media preferences and information gathering behavior. By setting new expectations in the audience, new media transforms older media formats. So we find in a massive study of newspaper readers that readers want organization (e.g. information design) and better content. The day of the importance of breaking a story first is fading as the Internet makes that easy to do. The time of content that relates to readers' interests and links to action steps is now here. Read it for yourself.AJR - What They Like