Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Puppet sex is bad. Puppet violence, especially if it happens to anti-administration critics is okay. What a sick set of values the movie industry seems to uphold. Loving, bad. Hating, good. What do you think? - 'Team America' cuts puppet sex, gets R - Oct 6, 2004: "Barbie"

1 comment:

barbara i said...

More reviews about the puppet love/porn issue....Here is a quote from a reviewer at:

"Then there's that rating problem that caused the movie's editors to cut out some particularly sexy scenes so the movie could keep its R. Maybe I'm jaded, but all the talk about the movie's lurid sex acts seems overblown. Yes, we get to watch puppets minus genitalia romping around in a bedroom ­ picture naked Barbie and Ken dolls. Yes, the images are lewd, but the last scene is probably far cruder -- and funnier.

Besides, every time I start feeling offended -- which is often -- I remind myself political and social satire isn't about my comfort level.

So, let's get down to basics. Is this movie worth your time and money? For South Park devotees, it's a must; for middle school and most high school students, absolutely, positively not; and for everyone else, sure. How often do you get to see puppets fornicate?"