Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Gen X and Millenials need a new way to look at their world

Characterized as "The broke generation" the 18-34 year olds are much worse off than the Boomers who came of age in the 60s and 70s. The causes of their economic insecurities lie in social and economic conditions that affect everyone. For this generation, raised with that Regan-era "personal responsibility" ethos, economic problems signal personal failings. These people need to wake up and get their heads around the fact that they exist in a society where decisions made in political circles determine economic conditions. It doesn't matter how "good" they are, without health insurance, they are economically crushed. Social networks like facebook and myspace are fine for distracting members with amusements, but its time for them to be put to use raising some sense among a class of people that they are indeed a class, and can be hurt or helped through collective action. Little princes and princesses, get into the streets with the people. It will do us all good.

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