Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Can traditional news organizations cope with a Craigslist media world? - Examiner.com

To paraphrase poet Robert Byrnes, what a business edge it is to be able to move out our own comfortable point of view and to take the perspective of "other." I have one foot in the world of journalism and a virtual toehold in the world of Internet and the hidebound "haughtiness" (as Jeff Jarvis describes journos) of those in the news media regarding changes in their business model and in how people communicate in our society,is stunning to me. Though I run it into again and again, I always think, "how can such smart people be so blind to reality?" Media Blogger, and writer (and colleague of mine) Robert Cox writes about this in very concrete terms here, noting that while you fiddle, Rome burns on. McLuhan always had to remind folks that he was only observing the way things were happening and not putting value judgments on the nature of the change. Bob is teetering on the edge of becoming a journalist himself, but I hope he can maintain the ability to take a perspective and see things as the "PFKAA" or people formerly known as audience do. His observations are useful to those in the media.Robert Cox: Can traditional news organizations cope with a Craigslist media world? - Examiner.com

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