Friday, April 25, 2003

Here is a great little item on "picturing phoning" and the ethical/legal problems it may present to news media.
Posted by Steve Outing 10:11:11 AM Picture-Phoning: Promise and Risk The development and growth in use of picture-phoning is something you'll want to watch, for it has some interesting potential implications for journalists, especially. The weblog yesterday had an interesting pointer to a story from Wales, about a visitor to a courtroom who was arrested and fined for taking a photo-phone picture of a defendant. It's a criminal offense in Wales to take a photo during court proceedings. What this incident points out is how an army of amateur photographers who happen to carry photo-phones with them everywhere will get images of all sorts of news events where professional news photographers don't happen to be when the action occurs. And the photo-phone-carrying public will have the ability to immediately send important images to news organizations. I can easily imagine some ethical dilemmas popping up. Let's say someone takes an illegal courtroom photo of a really important trial and sends it to a news outlet, where the news value of the shot outweighs the risks of publishing. What do you do? This is going to get interesting.

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