Tuesday, January 10, 2006

More blog writers than readers-- Doom or a Natural Development?

This is a good look at blogging from a non-USA centered point of view. The part that hit me hardest was the factoid that there are more blog WRITERS than blog READERS today. I would be discouraged, except that I have witnessed this phenom previously. In the early 1990s when "interactive multimedia" was a cool Director or Authorware piece burned to CD, there was a similar flowering of creative energy in the production of media that had a small audience. To my way of thinking, this led to the wonderful worlds that are created inside video games today. They had only a sliver of an audience at one time, but they are doing okay now. Some of this is an issue of literacy. Think about the world when Gutenberg ran out with his first hundred copies of the Bible. Great, he hits the street, yelling "Bibles, read the Bible>" How many READERS were there at that time? So for years there must have been more writers and printers than there were readers. It caught on and it just needed to reach some kind of tipping point. The Japan Times Online

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