Wednesday, October 15, 2003

For Techies, School Bells Mean 'Let the Games Begin': "'I'm not going to say what chemistry teacher it was, but I sat in his class yesterday and played a game on my friend's calculator.' Jeremy recounted. 'The teacher didn't much care so long as I listened to the information and produced on the test.'" Obviously a generation thing is going on. The current school organizational structure grew out the Industrial Revolution, and held the teaching "silence, punctuality, and order" were top goals of school. The organization of the day into discrete modules of a set time with bells to signal the orderly progression from one "station" to another reinforced and reified the social structure that was moving rural people to urban environments. What this article suggests is that the kids already understand that the structure of the school day is outmoded in an age of always on connectivity and 24/7 consciousness. Bluetooth, infared, Wi-Fi all make it clear that bringing a bunch of bodies together everyday at the same time, whether it serves the intellectual, social, and learning needs of the members of the group is a funny artifact. Let the teachers go on in their anachronistic dreamworld, the youth know that time is not a constant in an electronic world, and that distance is only how far you are from your connection....

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