Friday, September 03, 2004

Blogs and blogging. Here is an interesting story about Technocrati's David Sifry may have put the blogosphere on the path to becoming "one huge peer-reviewed journal" as Matt Stoller describes it. Using bloggers identified by reputation and ranking, a Politics Attention Index has come into being. Journos who couldn't see how the trust issue could be dealt with in blogs can check this out. Wired News: Site Tracks Political Zeitgeist


Matt said...

Thanks for the link. I knew nothing about blogs until the Spring of 03, when I started looking into the Howard Dean campaign. Blog For America was the first blog I ever set my eyes upon. Since then, I've seen how powerful a tool it can be, especially in the political world.

Hopefully, the bloggers are keeping our news media a little more focused during this campaign season.

By the way, is the background on this blog what I think it is?

barbara i said...

I am glad the postings are useful.

The background is just a strip of photos of my gardens and ponds, faded out. I don't know what you think it is, but it is probably not, as I can't imagine you thinking of my flowers and pond.

Matt said...

I makes for a great background. As certain artists have shown, images of flowers and nature can evoke all sorts of things.