Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Blogs & blogging Here is a biased article. Now because it takes Rather to task, not because it criticizes "60 Minutes." Yet this article shows that the writer was either biased or just not doing a good job of reporting.

The arrogance and attitude of Rather is certainly an issue. However this article then goes on the list several Republican blogs that investigated this story. That's okay, but in the blogosphere, there are many more blogs with different perspectives that have been existence longer and are kept by real bloggers. The blogs cited in this article are all new and are examples of the use of "blog" the tool, but not "blog" the independent commentary on issues. A political hack or operative has latched on to the blog software to do "dirty tricks" kind of writing.

I think that either mainstream reporters don't "get" blogging at all, or that they are so fearful of citizen reporters and commentators who use "blog, the tool" that they are willing to misrepresent what is going on in blogosphere, out of fear of the very transparency that Overholser talks about.

The facts of the memo about Bush are true. The memo play was awkward and a mistake and maybe its time for Rather to retire. The lack of analysis of those Republican "blogs come lately" which lumps them with the commentary of real bloggers, conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat, cheapens this story and misrepresents what is really going on.

Here is the original article. Analysis: Guard memo blunder raises questions about future of '60 Minutes,' Dan Rather and journalism: "'We've got to find some new touchstones, and I think a good new touchstone will be transparency,' she said. '[CBS] did not tell us who the source was. That really undermined them. They need to worry about source issues.'"

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