Monday, June 06, 2005

or at least a move toward it in the right direction, but notice that the newspaper still wants to schedule when the interactions between reporters and viewer/users take place. "It's about me" -- don't they get this yet? The radio scheduling is like 15 years too late. "It's about me" viewer/users want to interact when they choose. We just don't live in a pre-scheduled, news at the top of the hour kind of environment these days. The article notes that "I've been surprised that the willingness and ability to adapt to this is going across all age-groups," she told E&P. "And some of my most interested people are at the upper end of the age-groups." Would that were so in academe....Reporters are going to upload pictures that don't make it into print. 'Inquirer' Will Introduce 'Radio-Style' Programming Online

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