Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Show and Tell

How and Why to ? Learn how major institutions and successful organizations are using web-blogs to enhance their communications and Internet presence. Should your organization start a blog? Barbara Iverson teaches at Columbia College in the Journalism Dept. and blogs at Roula Amire is the editor of PR Reporter, a monthly newsletter that covers news and trends in the public relations industry. Blog typology/Interactivity/Feedback/Blogrolls, other automatic content How many blogs are there? The number of blogs Technorati tracks doubled every 5 months for the last 20 months. Technorati should be tracking 15 million blogs by August, 30 million by January (2005)
Filter blog k-blog News blog Meta-blog
Personal blogs
Business blogs
Organizational blogs
Professional blogs
Community (portal)
What is RSS? Real simple syndication, like a "newsfeed" that comes to your Newsreader software when you ask for it. RSS that automatically shows up on your blog is called a "blogroll." Examples corporate/marketing blogs: Bl Ochman's Blogging software information

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