Thursday, December 22, 2005

Inside Higher Ed :: What You Do All Day

Food for thought for those who teach or go to school. Inside Higher Ed :: What You Do All Day The grad student who proposed reading 20 hrs. per week, and got dissed by his profs for "being lazy" makes a valid point. How much do YOU read each week? As a professor, I know I read online to keep up with news and for blogs for about 2-3 hours per day. I read at least one newspaper each day which takes about 45 mins. to an hour. Then I often read before I go to sleep, for maybe 30-45 min. I might read an article or a chapter during the day or student papers for another hour or two. But still, that is a maximum of probably 5 hours per day. I can't do that every day, because I have to teach, commute (I read on the el, but obviously, when driving I can't read) and relax sometimes. Also, I do not do the same amount of reading on weekends, though Sundays I add the NYTimes and that takes a couple of hour to get through. Thus I'd put my professorial maximum reading at 5 hours 5 days per week, or 25 hours. And I expect that is higher than most weeks because of meetings, yoga, etc. Hmmm the student wasn't lazy after all.

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