Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Today's briefs: bloggers, laptop thefts on the rise, Wal-Mart "gatekeeping" for video game industry.

A Nepalese journalist blogger is talking about the benefit of newsblogs. San Francisco police note a disturbing upswing in laptop thefts. It seems to be associated with WiFi and the greater utility of a WiFi laptop in a world where we can connect almost anywhere. I am guessing RFID chips that will let our "ET" laptops call home will be a big item this Christmas. It was news when Wal-Mart effectively began censoring recordings by dictating what cover art or song content they could have. Does it seem a big leap that the same big-brother Wal-Mart is now telling the video game industry what art, content and games to produce?
If Wal-Mart tells a top-end publisher it won't carry a certain game, the publisher kills that game. In short, every triple-A game sold at retail in North America is managed start to finish, top to bottom, with the publisher's gaze fixed squarely on Wal-Mart, and no other.
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