Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Indictment Bingo: Closer, Closer - Wonkette

I have been at the SPJ convention in Las Vegas since the 15th and have fallen behind in my updates. I did get to see Judith "Martyr/Traitor" Miller speak at the conference, and get some of a sense of how her celebrated prison gig is playing out (dividing, actually) in the world of reporters and journalism. Will she stand as the proud figurehead, a slightly less than tragic Joan of Arc--the Martha Stewart of MSM-- leading the crusade for a Federal Shield Law, or will she be repudiated as a "mole" and government tool because of her Defense Dept clearance when she was embedded doing the Niger/yellow cake story. As Bill Lynch wrote to Romenesko,
It strikes me that Ms. Miller's situation is the flip side of the NYT's Jayson Blair coin. He and the Times were rightly disgraced for fabricating. In my opinion, Miller also violated her duty to report the truth by accepting a binding obligation to withhold key facts the government deems secret, even when that information might contradict the reportable "facts."
So, as we wait to see who will be indicted since Fitz isn't going to issue a final report, which Wonkette tells us means that indictments will be forthcoming, keep busy with this handy game in the meantime.
Indictment Bingo: Closer, Closer - Wonkette: "19"

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