Friday, August 01, 2003

Wired News: One ISP Refuses to Yield I did not envision the day that I would be supporting my telephone company, especially as I am old enough to remember "Ma Bell", best depicted for all of you Gen Xers in The President's Analyst as the terrible power that is working to take over America. But now we find SBC as the first ISP to say "hold on" to the RIAA and the recording industry with its onslaught against all of our civil rights in the form of thousands of possibly illegal subpeonas to get copies of individual's Internet activity. Music downloading or file-sharing is supposed to be the problem. Actually, there may be more of a problem with the corporate structure of the music business, and the incredible economic structure which provides small reward to most artists, and over-charges the consumer. The RIAA for the recording industry has been riding roughshod over everyone's civil rights and getting the courts to just smile and say, "ok." So thank goodness for my TPC, the SBC, who say
The action taken by SBC Internet Services is intended to protect the privacy of our customers," said an SBC spokesman. "Misapplication of DMCA subpoena power raises serious constitutional questions that need to be decided by the courts, not by private companies which operate without duty of due diligence or judicial oversight."

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