Saturday, November 13, 2004

Questions to the Wonkette Bush admin is inaccessible to press. Will Blogging community be able to open it up the communication process? Only if bloggers were conservative, and if folks inside the admin started wanting to leak. What's the career track for bloggers? She meant to quit after the election, but now she's "addicted" to the style of writing, She said she wouldn't want to write for an editor again. Exit poll question: CBS guy claims they have never depressed the vote or made a diff in the outcome. The CBS guy points out the need for exit polls to see if the election votes are being counted correctly. He challenged her on what she said about publishing exit polls. She dodged the question, Jay Rosen: Notes that the gap between the way Washingtonians see themselves and the way they are is at the heart of her appeal as a blogger. So what does she think of the relationship between media/press crowd and bloggers. Wash press corps as "AV crowd" at HS, where washington is high school with nukes. Mary Meeks talked to Joe Lockhardt -- so what, she says? The flaws and foibles of the politicians are the same as those of the media. Don't mind if she ruins someone's day, but don't ruin someone's life. She sees the community part of internet and interactivity as the important part. Focus on "blog" is as stupid as focus on "printing press." What values from J did whe bring to the blog? She can use a telephone, claimed she didn't know what the values of a J are. In the area between paper readers and paper writers. "Blogs aren't supposed to be fair" and she doesn't have to be. She doesn't want to lie but doesn't feel she needs to get both sides of the story. You can use the format of the blog to write journalism or anything else. Never pretends to be a journalist.

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