Saturday, November 13, 2004

Trippi and Winer are at odds. Beyond the Internet, politics still counts. People still vote on issues and not based oon web campaigns. Huffington: Used "Benedict Arnold" line in New Hampshire but was dropped at national level so that big funders wouldn't be offended. Jehmu: Dean is responsible for rise in young voters. But blogs can keep extremism continue--savage parodies. Trippi: The big problem is money. That is why we don't have health care, etc. If one candidate got lots of money from the poeple, then her/she wouldn't need special interests. Winer: Says the money to advertising on networks is no solution. How can we finance reporting on the Internet? CBS guy says we can't answer this yet. There is no model for orignal work on Interent. Trippi: Lots of blogs are self-sustaining, not from subscriptions but from donations.

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