Saturday, November 13, 2004

Real-time blogging Sitting at lunch, I am listening to Kos introduce Wonkette. Here is a gathering of journalists and they have chosen a Blogger Queen to address the group. This was the year of the blog in politics and so its appropriate to feature them. Kose tellus us that Wonkette is better than he. Wonkette: the old joke about getting out of her pjs. How have blogs had an impact on ploitics and journalism. She noted that her raison d'etre for being the MTV rep on TV at the convention was simply to talk about herself, and that it made bad TV. What will stand out is the "rag-tag" band that brought down the mainstream media. Joked around the bulge in the back story. Blogs have sped up the bar. They probably have made mainstream media think harder about IGNORING blog stories. Blogs raised lots of money, and served a sort of PR or activism story. Blogs have "de-professionalized" journalism. They have in her opinion made bias in media something that needed to be regarded. Bloggers showing up journalism as a flawed first version history, Bloggers eliminated gap between always getting it right, versus mostly getting it right. The speeding up of news cycle leads to stories like the CBS document one. Exit polls: she published the polls to "kill them" in the public mind. Playing field has changed for journalism. but she isn't sure what the changes have been. Shortest speech I've heard recently. She is cute. Kind of thin, with reddish hair. She seems better in answwering questions, than in giving a speech, Just to note, we are in the Salon where she is speaking, there is wireless access, and at my table alone, there are two people beside myself blogging.

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