Saturday, November 19, 2005

GPS can work as a two-way sword.

It seems a natural that you'd equip Television remote trucks with GPS. It could enhance news coverage and make sure everybody gets to the scene of the crime as fast as they can. But does it also mean that employees would be under detailed company surveillance? Ask the cabbies in New York and the guy who got fired for goofing off. And there was the driver who was caught speeding by the GPS and got canned. Does your phone have GPS? I have used mine when I travel, along with the google locator to find nearby restaurants or sights to see. I haven't been considering who is watching me. Technology is not neutral, though it is almost always disruptive. I wonder what the legal minds will make of this one, and how GPS will play out in the workplace. Wired News: Queer Eye for the News Guys

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