Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Poynter Online - As Blogs and Citizen Journalism Grow,
Where's the News?

Some of this was obvious to anyone who has been online for a bit, but I guess some MSMers work on a pre-Internet time frame (takes years for them to catch on to things.) If you blog, you know it isn't a medium itself, but a way into a variety of media. It is just an easy interface with many handy features. The content is still king, in my opinion. Thus, good news, well-presented will find eyeballs. And curious people won't want to limit what they see/hear/read/interact with to content produced by any one source. If you are so convinced, as many MSMers are that you have a corner on intelligence or the ability to observe, then you are just now discovering that, gasp, citizen journalists and bloggers can produce good content. If you have been using the Internet for some time, then you know about the "conversation" taking place worldwide and that it isn't a dominated discourse based on who owns the means of production of the media in which the discourse takes place. Poynter Online - As Blogs and Citizen Journalism Grow,
Where's the News?

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