Tuesday, July 08, 2003

An interesting dynamic from Newsplex session this morning. The students, who are all university faculty & I think by their action of registering, early adopters, have been confronted with an instructional style that is pedestrian, pedantic, and too much talking. We teachers have been talking about this, as the session is very costly, and then we have begun to try and get the instructor(s) to respond to us as "live audience" rather than passive receptacles. The response by "trainers" has been less than spectacular. Instead of trying to pitch the message to the client or teach the individuals in front of him, the poor trainer has become defensive. In trying to teach "subject matter" and stay on the subject, he has lost touch with teaching people. I hope we can resolve this, but now there is lots of angst and emotion that is clouding any postive learning process. For me, the emotional human storyline always overrides any "message" someone is trying to get across. We will see what happens later....

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