Tuesday, May 16, 2006

My Representative is looking for OUR interests

From Rep. Jan Schakowsky regarding her position on net neutrality. Go Jan, go. Dear Ms. Iverson: Thank you for contacting me to express your opposition to Internet providers creating different tiers of speed and quality of service for different content and applications offered on the web. I appreciate hearing from you, and I share your concerns. I believe the Internet is a vibrant source of innovative services, applications and information that has thrived from consumers deciding which websites have the most to offer them. I am concerned that, without meaningful competition or established principles of "net neutrality," cable and telephone companies who own and control broadband networks may decide to treat content, services, and applications transmitted over their wires differently. For instance, they may choose to prioritize their own content and services or those of others who can afford to pay a premium price. Cable and phone companies have begun talking about charging Internet-based companies access fees for preferential speeds, creating a fast lane and a slow lane on the Internet. Those tactics would undermine competition and innovation that consumers have come to expect from the Internet. Consumers, not the network operator, should determine winners and losers in the online marketplace. As you may know, I serve on the Energy and Commerce Committee, which recently considered legislation, H.R. 5252, the Communications Opportunity, Promotion and Enhancement Act that would amend current telecommunication laws. Unfortunately, the bill has no provisions to ensure that the Internet remains open and unfettered. I voted for an amendment offered by Representative Markey which would preserve the Internet. It was rejected by a vote of 34-22, and, because it was not included in the bill, I voted against final passage. The bill is currently awaiting floor consideration. I will continue to fight for net neutrality. Again, I appreciate hearing from you. Please do not hesitate to contact me whenever I may be of assistance. Sincerely, Jan Schakowsky, Member of Congress

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