Thursday, November 30, 2006

(iverson's) currentbuzz

I finally have time to talk about what has been happening with and why I've not been posting. It's obvious if you read it, that I haven't been posting for a couple of weeks. First, the server that hosts currentbuzz went down. Then it was fixed, but the some directories were changed. I understand why my guy did that, but as anyone who has maintained websites over time knows, it means a world of pain as far as updating all the references to the old directory paths. So that took me a couple of days. At the same time, began to move stuff to its beta (ha, but currentbuzz apparently can't be converted for the time being.) They somehow changed their feeds and connection information. I post throughout the day, and I use lots of different computers to post, some of them are public lab computers, so I don't want my password all over. I like to use tags, so I had developed a collection of "helpers" like Writetomyblog, nowpublic, performanicing, and even the formerly trusty "blogthis" to avoid using the regular but kind of time consuming posting through blogger. Oh, and I forgot to mention that Firefox came out with an update as well. As you can now anticipate, all of my autoposting helpers were FUBAR with the various directory path, new software and new feed api configurations. And, as anyone would, I have been obsessing about getting everything working again, and not just posting. The latest, is that I got one of posting helpers to work but now my template is askew. I know exactly enough css to complicate my search for a good look to my blog. So, thus, currentbuzz hasn't been up to snuff with information on technology and journalism or media or anything else. I have gone to the best source of help a teacher can contact -- students, and my other Chicagobloggers and I am looking at going to WordPress or another software for my blog. I hope you will bear with me and that I will back up and blogging in a day or so. This happens to all bloggers I expect, but as is typical, I just didn't think it would happen to me...

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