Monday, November 06, 2006

Technology is not neutral. Politicians implement policies that make tech political. Read about this one.

Wired News: Techie Faces Orrin Hatch Nov. 7
Pete Ashdown: I find it interesting that Republicans like Senator Hatch repeatedly want to deregulate businesses but regulate the individual and it proves time and again that this is not the government conservatives espouse as being small and limited. It's "We want to be in control of your daily lives to the extent that we're watching what you're doing on your computers, we're watching whether you're violating any corporate copyrights. We're going to be the unpaid copyright police for the corporations." WN: So it comes down to individual rights versus corporate rights? Ashdown: Yeah, and I think it comes down to civil rights as well. The erosion we've seen of the Bill of Rights over the last couple of years regarding American monitoring -- the Patriot Act, the Detainee Act that came out in the last couple of weeks. (It) brings government into our own homes and allows them to monitor what are doing and (what) we see. There are other abuses as well, like the call-records monitoring by the NSA and the tapping of international calls without warrants.

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