Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Artists drop while they shop to promote art, spread messages - Jul. 20, 2005

Here is a story about artists using the "BLO" method of getting noticed. If you haven't seen the movie "The Yes Men" go get it now. It chronicles the adventures of a couple of guys who find that the corporate world just doesn't get it sometimes. Now one of their modus operandi, the "shop and drop" is becoming an artist's way of getting work out. Artists drop while they shop to promote art, spread messages - Jul. 20, 2005
The insidious part of this story is the discussion of how traditional marketers and big corporations are going to try this out because the glut of advertising in our world has resulted in advertising message fatigue. This advertising trend of "shop and drop" I would classify as part of the Word of Mouth (WOM) trend as in bzzz marketing. Don't remember the "BLO" or Barbie Liberation Organization and "The Yes Men?"

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