Wednesday, June 14, 2006

An interesting development in transparency in journalism

Al Tompkins does a good job of highlighting the Spokesman-Review move to webcasting some of its editorial meetings. He has an interview with the paper's editor, Steven Smith, and provides links to features of the Spokesman-Review like its blogs about its own operations, that make help you understand what they are doing as part of a process of moving a print publication not just online, but making it interactive in some real senses of the word. As an educator, I adopted the experimental approach years ago. My blog is continuing experiment, but it started out as an exploration of what a blog is and what blogging meant in experiential terms. The Spokesman-Review folks seem to adopting this approach to new ideas and technologies. Too bad there isn't more of this kind of innovation going on in publishing today.Poynter Online - Wednesday Edition: Live Editorial Meetings

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