Monday, June 26, 2006

The money is following the information aggregators

For years now, I have been telling students that if they want to succeed during their lifetimes (because they can't retire like many of their teachers will soon do) they need to develop a particular point of view. I have called it the "beat blog" but the idea is to take your interests and passions and hone your point of view by studying that area. As a reporter, you can outdo the casual blogger by interviewing experts and getting information beyond what is just available on the Internet or from other news (secondary) sources. Here the WSJ notes that both Rafat Ali and Om Malik, bloggers about tech and publishing and tech and communications are being bankrolled now as standalone publishers. These are textbook examples of how money will be made in a reputation-based, social networked world of - Bloggers Find Financial Backers For Their Independent News Sites
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