Sunday, June 11, 2006

Week-end Summary

I was presenting at a CASTL-SOTL (Carnegie Academy of for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) workshop on June 8-10th. I didn't even look at email or Internet, which was pretty unusual. To catch up a bit, I am going to do a big post with a series of items of interest. From the "I didn't need the Internet to tell me this department." comes a survey that shows that more younger, freelancer, and cheaper journalists are being hired worldwide. While this is a concern, isn't this what is happening to all workers these days? Bloggercon is happening but it's in San Francisco, and I'm not. From Nieman comes this interesting resource. It is Narrative Digest's database for seaching notable narratives. Looks like a "must have" for journalism teachers and students. A meteor crashes into Norway with the force of the Hiroshima bomb. That is news!

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